Monday, 30 March 2009

AAA2008 Review [part 1]

Okay, my review. It's probably going to be REALLY long. I'm not going to post a lot of screencaps cause I don't want to make this longer than it should be (especially with no LJ cuts) - I made notes while watching so be warned for all the fangirling - and I might missed stuff cause I was doing homework too xD

so without further ado - START


Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000027327Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000051084Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000058191Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000061895Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000071104

Kokuritsu is seriously huge an the cheering is REALLY loud o_O Also. Water effects? Awesome much Xd

Love so sweet

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000092826Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000117016Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000125592Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000129929Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000133466Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000179512

The guys appear out on the circle in the yellow suits from the screencaps wearing really ugly yellow shoes =D Also, either I'm getting really used to MatsuJun's voice or maybe he really just did sing on tune, I'm not sure xD

Oh Yeah!
Arashi starts spreading out, Ohno is sounding so nice with his voice in this song xD See a bit of AibaxNino and OhnoxSho but they're really fast and it's just me being stupid and catching little things ^^''

Kitto Daijoubu

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000605137Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000626392Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000634667Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000651717Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000665765

They have their little solo introductions at this point with Jun camera whoring, saying lots of stuff and I think at the end he goes "Jun da yo~!" in this really cute way xD Nino with his usual "IRRASHAIMASE!", Aiba with his usual, Oh-chan being cute and going "HIIII" like he normally does xD Sho as usual, points to the camera and hypes up the fans and telling them to go "ARASHI!" Also I love Sho's hair - anyways - NINO SANG HIS LINE PROPERLY!! *giggles*

La tormenta 2004

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000895728Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000915514Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000935100Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000960492Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_000982247

First of all, new costume (which I like ^^) Orange vest with camo pants and everyone - shoes - omg - WANT!. Order change, Jun, Nino, Aiba, Ohno, Sho. Jun camera whores as usual xD Nino and Aiba just sort of stand and wave and do peace signs. OMG OHNO! OHNO! You know what he does? He pretends he's fishing!! I love him *GLOMPS* And sho does this really stupid but funny pose and I sort of want to hug him after it xDxD

Guys going onto the moving stages. Ohno and Sho, Jun, Nino and Aiba. Didn't make any comments ^^'' woops.

Hadashi no Mirai
As usual the mic stands come out, Sho I swear did some weird pose - I don't know if that's part of the choreo or not but it was real weird. Jun and Nino turned their mic towards the other direction from the other three and you know what? I'm still loving their outfits xD

Aozora Pedal
Pace of the songs are slowing down, but no matter, love this song. Sho sounds really nice when he sings this. In fact you know what? They all sound so nice when singing this song. Aiba disappeared =O I wonder why?! At the end, if you remember they have a small amount of choreo which I really like. ^^

Hello Goodbye

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001632664Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001659657Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001663361Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001665196Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001730328Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001805103

OMG AIB SO CUTE CAN I HUG YOU?! This isn't my most favourite song but OMG SUCH A CUTE SONG! And seeing Aiba do it live? *SQUEALS* He is just SO CUTE. and on the back of his jacket it says "hello goodbye" and oh my god, Harmonia? Hello? Aiba? Harmonia? *dies* Aiba is just so much fucking love like.. oh my god marry me much dude? And his shoes *giggles* (I'm so focused on shoes it's not even funny -_-'')

Subarashiki Sekai

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001916014Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001932063Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001933598Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001984115Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_001987985Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002010208Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002045143

So beautiful. So beautiful. They're wearing new costumes - really pretty suits xD (I think I'm getting to used to Johnny's fashion ^^''). Aiba's missing in the beginning but he reappears in the middle. Everyone sounds really good during their solos (yes, even Jun =D), MatsuJun's bracelet changed and Ohno got a bracelet on his wrist too O_o

You know, I only like this song when they sing it during concerts. Like during Iza! Now and now, love this song during concerts. So good. The tempo is a bit faster I think? Can't remember. Everyone sounds really good and oh my god I'm just.. like.. love this song so much. *sighs*


Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002364028Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002417448Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002421752

Nino and Sho are talking in the background *snickers* - I love this song by the way (I just love the set list in general BTW xD). You got Sho rapping from a really high platform (it actually went REALLY high) and his voice didn't change at all. All other members were on the cranes like the one Ohno's in. ^^

Lucky Man

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002637434Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002646043Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002647010Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002723854Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002726456Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002731228Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002735098Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002737467

Jun rips his shirt open in the beginning and oh my god it's SO distracting xD They got some nice dancing in between and then, then you know what? SOLO DANCES! SOLO DANCES! Oh my god MatsuJun crazy dancing *HUGS* Sho's was eh... well, he tried =D And then Aiba - SO CUTE (aiba is just.. you know, the cutest thing to me) and then Nino doing his BACKFLIP (even MatsuJun congratulates Nino on his success xD) - but wait? Where is Ohno?... 

Take me faraway

Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002836199Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002842906Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002870033Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002954251Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002988919Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_002992022Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003000464Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003051314Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003089152

OHNO IS A GOD! How the hell does he DANCE to this song? And you know what? He even walks down the stairs on BEAT. LIKE OMG WTF?! How does he do that? Like seriously. Dancing... so nice. *sighs* Ohno, why are you so awesome? like seriously. He also manages to hit all the notes, high low PERFECTLY. I swear, I like listening to the live better than the actual album version o_o


Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003120584Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003124854Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003174104Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003356019Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003358721Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003368998

How did I manage to take 6 screencaps? ...hmm... Anyways, I love Niji so I love this solo even though it's exactly the same s the time con. Only difference? Nino isn't a waterfall (he's just dripping, not pouring). The crowd went "lalala" again except it was so much more powerful cause there was so much more people. xD Rainbow appeared on the screens and the words "arigatou" appeared. Madness ensued as Nino took of his glasses, I think you know the drill xD


Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003434530Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003442805Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003449646Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003454884Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003463993

Extra pic of MatsuJun to make up for Nino xD Surprised they sang Smile, I don't know why, really up-beat and happy. Costume change by the way. Again, love the shoes xD All black = really hot by the way.


Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003582078Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003583012Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003600797

It's not as bad as the time con. I tend to skip this song during the Time con but this time it's not so bad. The crowd did the wave while they sang so it was all nice. So many people in this concert o_o and there is the missing picture of Nino xD


Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003845408Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003848644Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003853349Arashi Around Asia 2008 in Tokyo Part 1.avi_003907837

Sho made this really constipated face which I didn't manage to screencap =P Sho also did some really weird arm rotating which Nino ended up making fun off xD Also, look at the pretty confetti!! Jun's flashing peace signs everywhere and as usual with this song there is dancing. =D

Ohno was bullied for Maou
-Sho was bullied because he's Sho
-Jun started talking like a kid (SO CUTE)
-Had to wait for Jun to put his jacket on
-Sho was bullied into talking like a kid
-They apologize cause he sucked so much xD

Kaze no Mukou e
Aiba ended up raising the tension as usual. The performance was cute, last time I saw it on SCP I laughed cause it looked really gay and stuff but I guess it depends on what they're wearing and the atmosphere cause I seriously thought their performance here was like.. so awesome. They looked HOT. Also, there was a really small MatsuMiya moment =D

Alright.. this became long.
and I ended up taking way to many screencap -_-''
I hope part 2 will be shorter... ^^''

please wait for part 2 some other time. =D