Hello? Is this song not made of 50 000 different levels of utter AWESOME?
although the english does make me laugh. Very hard. But that just adds more to the awesome. The song sounds great, and it makes me laugh at the same time xD
My Girl is nice and all.. but uh...... actually I don't even remember what it sounds like. ^^;; Oh dear.
maybe it'll be like Season or Everything where one day I just randomly fell in love with both the songs for no reason. Or maybe not. I really can't remember My Girl and I dont' think I'll ever get the urge to listen to it with the B-side as Tokei Jikake no Umbrella. That song is just made of so much win.
kyaaaa... love love love love love. >_< *squees*
ah... but I'm probably not going to buy the single. I dunno.. I love Arashi and all but I'm probably cheaper than Nino ^^;; Stick with the albums when they come out. (sadly - most likely with Tokei... *sigh*)
and that's my fangirl schpiel for the day. bye bye.