Sunday, 26 September 2010

New Single


feel free to shoot me for being "unsupportive blah blah blah" I don't care. oh my god. just ... 
are you serious? 
and I saw the PV for Dear Snow?
They might as well just stand there with a white background and singe, it wouldn't make a difference. 
I love Arashi. I really do. They give me endless amounts of joy... but I am not blind as to like EVERYTHING they throw at me. I don't mean this as an insult to fans, nor as an insult to them. This is just so I can defend myself before anyone tells me "if you're a fan you should like it anyways blah blah blah stop complaining blah blah blah blah" cause that' just a load of bull. 

I WANT to be happy for this but... 
on the other hand though - ZOMG OOKU LOOKS SO AWESOME OMG OMG OMG OMG
and I can't wait for Freeter, ie wo kau. ^^ 

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Love Rainbow + Other Thoughts

Okay, this is going to be my first post on typepad, after vox and this is also going to be a very long post. Not necessarily a happy one either. I'm still getting used to typepad actually, it's kind of laggy. :( *sigh* And re-categorizing all my old posts is kind of a pain. >.< But we'll see how things go.

First on my list. Love Rainbow PV. Do not like. At all. The only good thing I can say is that it is more visually appealing than To Be Free, in terms of colours and general aesthetics. Aside from that, this PV is just plain boring. I think I've had enough of "Arashi stand and look pretty PV's". But what can we do? They seem too busy to actually stand together and film something properly. Thankfully the Making of to this PV was BRILLIANT. I mean, sure, the entire PV was shot with a green-screen (obviously - I mean the blatant CGI was just killing me inside) but the 'making of' was adorable. My favourite scenes off the top of my head? Ohno giggling, Juntoshi moment, Ohmiya moment, Aiba, when all of them are doing the jacket-cover photoshoot. This 'making of' was hilarious. Oh damn.. so cute. >.< Honestly. But yeah, the PV is just... ew. I have a hate for obvious CGI effects intermixed with real people. This is also why I dislike 'One Love' (although One Love was just.. ew where as Love Rainbow at least looks nice..). I don't like obvious CGI effects, even if that is what the producer was going for. I just don't like it, I hate it when CGI is obviously seen next to real people. And as I said - this PV is just damn boring. I also think it doesn't fit the song very well but I think it's just cause I'm NatsuNiji biased and I really like the opening for NatsuNiji. =P

Next on my list. The recent Arashi textbook that was released in Japan. On one hand, a part of me is like "WANT WANT WANT WANT WANT" because hello, a textbook that is centered around Arashi? That is awesomeness. It's like getting a free photobook supplied by the school. And it is a smart move by the government, since kids like Arashi and putting Arashi in your textbook basically means your kids are going to read that textbook. (Or at least become vaguely interesting in whatever the textbook is talking about). But then another part of me is like *sigh*.. Japan. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think this is totally cool. Although I do not wish this happened in the America's because if any celeb in North America entered my textbook I would burn it. >_> But for Arashi I think it's awesome, especially since they did it voluntarily and the topics they address are actually.. well.. insightful and good to know about (Japanese or not). Now if only they could release a textbook that taught foreigners Japanese. Kind of like "Minna no Nihongo" complete with the listening CD and all =D (basically I love this idea but at the same time I'm kind of like "oh dear god, what is Japan coming to?")

and lastly - the recent 'Arashi Jet' that JAL released. Personally? I don't like JAL very much as an airline, but maybe that's because the last time I rode JAL it was going bankrupt. Who knows? Either way, it's still better than the Chinese airlines :D. But this jet is kind of... uh... I don't know what to think but my first reaction is I'm not too thrilled. Unlike the textbook which is actually helpful and all this JET.. is just kind of.. I don't like it. I know as a fan, I should be supportive and happy becuase "oh  my god they are so popular and everyone wants a piece of them :D:D" but that's why I am not happy. They are too popular and everyone is trying to use Arashi to get some extra crash. Heck, you just stick Arashi on a piece of paper, slap it on a table at a furniture store and I'm sure it'd be sold out in seconds. *sigh* Going back to the Love Rainbow PV - I wouldn't have been surprised if it really did just show them walking in front of a green screen (like Ohno said they might be doing xD). I just feel... I don't know. I don't mind if the boys get more exposure but this is beyond exposure. What Japan is doing now is going past exposure and just out-right USING (and yes - I do mean to sound negative). I understand, Arashi = Popular = lotsa fans = MONEY. But they are just.. being.. OVER-exposed and it's not to boost their popularity anymore. It's just for the sake of using them to get MONEY, they are so popularity and they don't even need to look for it anymore. And somehow it just feel so wrong. They're being over-used, over-exposed, over-worked, milked, stretched and ...

I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm just ranting now to be honest. I'm just tired... I want my old, stupid, dorky Arashi back. The Arashi that was popular but wasn't being used by everyone in Japan as a means to make some extra money just because they sell. >.< I just want my regular dorky boyband back... :(

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Why? T.T

aggh.. why does vox have to close? Albeit I wasn't as active on vox as I was on LJ but vox was the place to put my long fangirl schpiels and what not. *sigh*

This was honestly my fangirl blog. I may not have posted much (nor did I comment as much as I should have) but I still love this place regardless.

I will be moving to typepad though. Don't know how active I will but I guess more or less the same as vox. I don't want to lose all the posts I've made in this blog. They are all special to me... *sigh*