Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Jin, News... ok, WTF?

If you're a KAT-TUN, NewS or Akanishi Jin fan, I suggest you stop reading. Or you can continue to read, disagree with me, and... do whatever you want after =D Cause damn, I am one HARSH person.

Call me slow, but I just heard and read lyrics for Jin's LoveJuice and I'm just LOL-ing so hard right now. Yeah, go to America, learn english and than sing a song that's virtually all about sex. LOVEJUICE? Dude, what the hell man -_-'' I mean obviously some girls like this song and stuff but it's just.. not my slice of pie you know? Sure, the fact that he sang in English is admirable but aside from that I'm just thinking "dude.. no.. just.. no, go sing your little KAT-TUN songs all in Japanese, I already hate english singers singing about sex, I don't need a Japanese singer (Especially a johnny's doing it too). >_<'' It's all just a turn-off for me, everything, just everything. I mean, I probably would've liked the song better if he sang about purple hippos or something like that.

now. for NewS - Koi no ABO. The PV? That is some serious wtf-ery right there.

Okay, first a song about blood types? Um. no. (^^'') I know, Japanese and their obsession with blood types and stuff but we don't need a song about it (at least not such a bad song... ) and then the entire PV is just.. oh my god. What the hell are they trying to do? Disco? And incredibly OUT OF SYNC disco while they're at it. Normally I'm quite lenient with out of sync dancing, but watching them stand in a line and "dance" was just.. like.. oh my god. I can't even describe my horror.

Yamapi's hair continues to scare the hell out of me and I really wish he'd just straighten everything and get his Akira-hair back. =D Shige also needs a new haircut. Massu doesn't need a hair-cut, he needs to grow his hair.

I don't think I finished the entire PV.... but still, the entire time I was like "dear god what are you guys doing?" and they didn't even dance that much. I mean the only "dancing" they did was that again-OUT OF SYNC-disco which proceeded to just baffle my mind. I wonder what NewS is trying to pull with this PV. >_<

and that is my procrastination post for the day. I am fully prepared for any hate random NewS (or Jin) fans may have against me, go ahead and make your comments =D and if you haven't realized, yes I obviously do not have a life if I am making a post like this. ^^

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