Saturday 25 December 2010

Tensai Shimura Doubutsuen

This was one of those shows I watched on occasion whenever I happened to be back at home on Saturday Nights while I was in Japan. In saying this, I have to admit I really like those show. It's adorable. <3 Forget Aiba for a second, the ANIMALS!! And then of course you mix Aiba (or any Arashi member) in and it's just ASDFDSDFDS OVERKILL!

and so yeah. Watching the Christmas special and I can't flail on twitter, and I can't flail out loud (lazy family still sleeping :P haha) so I need to do it somewhere and what better place than my fangirl blog? Oh and by flail I mean like.. in coherent short sentences and don't really add up together. So yeah. Flailing commences now.

OMG BUNNIES! AN BEAVERS! I LIVE IN CANADA AND I'VE NEVER SEEN A BEAVER! Gosh, aren't they so adorable? You know your country is made out of pure WIN when your national animal is a beaver! BEAT THAT REST OF THE WORLD! (Except maybe China and their Panda's....) but seriously. Beavers are so damn cute, and Aiba gets to pick one up... *wibbles* it's just sooo cuuuuuuttee!! (yeah, notice I forgot about the bunnies? xD) and honestly raccoons are so friggen fat and big. It's kind of scary. They can grow REALLY LARGE. Trust me, there was a raccoon lying on my grandmothers lawn that the size of my dad... they're pretty scary things. o_o Cute from a distance but wouldn't really want to get close to one.

and a reindeer! cool! I've never seen one of those either. I've seen moose though. And deer. Never a reindeer.. :D and I think animals might not like that girl xD haha. Oo... reindeers are so lenient. I'm kind of surprised, they're like horses ne?

yay!! OMG MASAKI.COM! I LOVE YOU!! I have no words for this, no words xD HAHAHA. Aiba is so fricken adorbs!! <3<3 and that reindeer!!!  Gosh I miss Japan. I wanna go back. And watch this on saturday with my friends. And squeal at the cute animals!! >.<

yeah okay, end of my flail. Again, wish everyone a Merry Christmas and again - hope you had lots of good food ^^

Friday 24 December 2010

Happy Birthday Aiba and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

First of all - Happy Birthday Aiba-chan!! I hope your cake was super delicious (it certainly looked like it!).


and of course - to everyone else. Merry Christmas! I still have two hours to go, but before I forget ne? I hope you all have had a great holiday season, spent wonderful time with family and the most important thing of all..... (no, it's not about presents) - ATE LOTS OF GREAT FOOD!!! :D:D


Let's look forward to the New Year and Arashi's Kouhaku hosting okay?

Sunday 19 December 2010


Seeing V6 on FNS and Best Artist has honestly revived my utter love for them. Like honestly.


and Sakamoto - such a good singer. How could I forget about this? I'm appalled at myself. Then again, my HD crashing and deleting a majority of my V6 (and TOKIO) stuff may have been the reason... Aggh.


Sempai groups <3 

Wednesday 15 December 2010

NTV Best Artist - aka - More Jun-Hair flailing

omgosh. Jun. His hair. Normally when i watch performances i tend to look at all the members. I like to see if they dance in-sync or not, and what each member is doing, but this time? I just couldn't stop staring at Jun. My eyes were just glued to the guy. I don't know. He just looks so... *sigh*... 

His hair makes him look so boyish and young but really handsome and manly and just downright COOL and friggen HOT. Like, I dont' know why, but for some reason I just started wondering what he would look like shirtless. I NEVER picture Jun shirtless because truthfully? I don't really like the guy shirtless -_-;; But for some reason, short hair seems to make it seem like if he takes off his shirt he'll be really buff. Dont' ask. (I don't mean like Sho, but he won't be a stick anyway). haha. Don't ask how my mind works.

Not but seriously. Jun's hair. oh my god. *hugs him*. 

and yeah. Onto best artist... seeing Monster being performed is always awesome. <3 But Happiness? Kind of random. Believe, not so random but yeah, Happiness was random. And odd. and I kind of didn't like it. I guess they needed a fast song though - wait.. why didn't they just do STORY or some other equally awesome song? *pouts*. I wanna see them perform STORY damn it! And their costumes were alright. Although Sho's pants look like they were painted on his legs -_-;; and everyone else.. .um.. ooh, Ohno was really cool in monster. Kind of didn't pay attention to Nino and Aiba (I"M SORRY). Ironically Nino is my second favourite, so this has nothing to do with biases but for the life of me I just kept staring at Jun. 

I think I finally understand this whole "omg he's so hot *stare*giggle* thing that girls do. Before I never understood. Like how can a guy be THAT good looking, but DAMN. Okay - i get it. I finally get it. *re-watches performance*. Jun is just damn fine. Omygod. I can't wait to see him when he's just wearing like suits and stuff on Himitsu and on VS Arashi. *squeals* BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!

haven't seen the entire show yet so can't say anything about the other guests. Will do so later when I have time~ 

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Jun's Hair :P

omg, Jun's hair! I heard he cut it short but not THAT short! I'm SO HAPPY. If none of you know, my most favourite hair from Jun was during the ONE album in 2005, and this is pretty damn close.

AGGHH.. I'm trying not to scream watching the video (cause I'm in school, and I already look weird cause I'm sitting alone) but it's like watching crazy hair porn xD Hahah.

*fans self* so good looking, he looks so young and boyish ^^

Thursday 25 November 2010

Happy Birthday Ohno!

Happy Birthday Ohno!! I wish I could say more but it's snowing REALLY hard outside and i need to shovel the driveway before my dad gets home so he can actually drive into the garage.

but - Ohno, Happy Birthday.
30? 30? Seriously?
You still look like a baby.
I hope you never change.
Eat cake, go fishing, do whatever you want.

My favourite old man.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Again with the Freeter Flail

aggh.. Freeter. :( I swear i've made a post (or have wanted to) after every episode of Freeter that i watch. This drama just drives me crazy.

What really got to me this week?

When Seiji's dad was confessing to the girl (forgot her name) about Sumiko's depression and his kids and all that. Made me sad. I didn't get 100% of it but I got enough. But just the situation.

I really like how this episode seemed to show.. like.. how it's sometimes hard for people to say things to those closest to them and that sometimes this leads to miscommunication, and problems and what-not. It applies to my family too, but I don't think we've, as of yet, solved our problems yet.

Thursday 11 November 2010


This is going to be a long, slightly emotional, and kind of random post that will go on very many different tangents but somehow all revolves around my love of Nino's drama, 「フリーター、家を買う」. So yeah. Honestly? This is mostly a personal post that only vaguely relates to Freeter to be honest. ^^;; But read away.

So, I just watched episode 4 of Freeter and... I cried. I don't cry for a lot of things. I rarely cry for anything. The last time I cried watching a drama was when I watched "One Litre of Tears" which was 2 years ago and I only cried one TISSUE. Not a box, not a package. One tissue, that's it. Nothing more. So i guess you can imagine how hard it is for me to cry and yet I cried watching Freeter. Episode 4. The minute Seiji said "Ore shika ha nai" and the tears just started flowing down my face and I couldn't stop them.

I really don't know what it was about this scene. Actually the entire episode I really felt like crying. Or I had the urge to. This entire drama is a roller coaster for me. My heart breaks in every episode as I watch Seiji struggle with his family's problems. This episode... watching Seiji break like that, I just couldn't help but start sobbing. I didn't even know WHY I was sobbing. I didn't feel sorry for him, I don't know, somehow.. I ... I empathsized with him even though I've never been in his situation before in my life. Maybe it's Nino's acting, I'm not sure but when I saw Seiji crying my entire heart just broke for him.

I love my mom. I really do. My mom is to me, like Seiji's mom was to him. She is my support. I'm not as FAIL as Seiji was, I mean I get straight A's and study hard and what not, but even then, I'm not the proud, confident, 'nerd' that most Straight A'ers are. And so I have my mom there to be my pole to lean on. She's there, every step of the way saying "you can do it, you're fine" she is the person that asks me "Are you okay? Can you handle it?". She is there to tell me when I can take a break, when it's okay for me to break down, when it's okay for me to take a step away and just... relax. And so seeing Seiji's mom like that, in such a depression. It breaks my heart. It really hurts me and as I watch Seiji struggle it hurts me more because i know, I KNOW, if that was me in that position, I would break. I would just crumble into pieces and fall apart. Especially if Seiji's dad was my dad.

Which brings me to another point. Seiji's dad. I hate him. I don't care what his excuse is, no matter what his problem is, or why he's being such a fucking ass hole, I don't CARE. I don't have a good relationship with my dad. Granted, my dad is actually a good dad, I just... don't get along with him. And my dad actually supports my mom. But seeing Seiji's dad makes my blood boil. Seeing him yell at Seiji, yell at Seiji's sister (who I can't remember the name off), seeing him yell at his WIFE who than has the KINDNESS TO PROTECT HIM just... OH MY GOD. That is half the reasno I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry from sheer ANGER at seeing this man on screen. I just wanted to reach in there and punch him, over and over, and over again until he realized what a RETARD and what a FAILURE of a HUMAN BEING he is. *rantsgrumbleswearkillssomeone*. Yeah. I don't have a good relationship with my dad, and my dad is nothing like this man but I just generally dont' like fathers and seeing a father like this just... ugh. I'm disugsted.

See? See how Freeter does this to me? How I can I NOT love a drama that envokes so much emotion in me? Normally I have as much emotion as a rock - ie - none. I have little empathy for anyone, and the emotional and understanding range of a teaspoon. You could say this is a mental problem but whatever. And yet, to have a drama like this drive me up the wall with anger, frustrating, annoyance, sadness, heartbreak, tears... T-T

and then to move on to just the whole theme the drama seems to be showing of SOCIAL PRESSURE IN JAPAN. Oh my god. I love this drama just for this reason. This is a brilliant theme to show because it's true. This is SO Japanese and Japanese people need to LEARN about how stiffling their social heirarchy is, not just on a business level but just on a regular "neighbourly" level. It's suffocating. It's terrible. You constantly have to be good to your neighbours, your relatives, the people around you, and if you're not your orstricized, rejected. This drama is no exaggeration and I honestly think that the fact that Japan has made a drama like this is just one LARGE step for the country and I'm so glad it's doing well and that people are SERIOUSLY watching this.

Freeter I think, is not only the best drama I've seen all year, but one of THE BEST dramas I've seen so far. And I know it's not done yet so I really shouldn't be saying this so fast (I mean, episode 4 - come on) but honestly... *wibbles*.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Johnny's and Kouhaku

So I just read this article on and... first, I hope it's not true, next if it is, I'm kind of disappointed.

Kouhaku is a really important show in Japan. I know, the ratings are slipping which obviously means it is "losing it's importance" but I don't think that is a reason to just throw it away, nor is it s areason to just abandon tradition and what this concert was first made for. Johnny's trying to force groups into Kouhaku is a big "NO" in my book and a very bad decision. Groups like SMAP and even TOKIO, and recently Arashi (due to their popularity) I can understand. They've been on Kouhaku before. But using Arashi as a MEANS to force OTHER groups in? Not only do I think that is insulting to the show, Kouhaku, but to other artists who DESERVE and WORKED HARD to actually be INVITED. Also I think it's not good for Arashi. I know they don't play a part it in, after all it's the company doing it but somehow ... I just feel if this really happens Arashi might be blamed slightly too. >.<

I know that by default Johnny's idols are pretty damn 'popular' already but there are honestly, so many other artists in Japan that some people tend to forget that it's not ALL about Johnny's Entertainment. There are a lot of really good artists who work hard to get their popularity and their sales and it's because they are actually GOOD artists. (No offense but I wouldn't say that all Johnny's are excellent singers nor dancers). I love JE but I've seen Kouhaku and I feel that if Johnny's does this he is ruining something really traditional and special that should be left untainted.

I also feel bad for NHK because they are so pressured for ratings yet it seems at the same time they don't want to throw away the tradition of Kouhaku either. It's like a catch 22. Bow down to Johnny's and get the ratings, or keep up a long-standing tradition special to Japan and watch the ratings fall?

Saturday 6 November 2010

果てない空 Review


They did it. Quality. I love this single. I don't care what anyone says. I love this. Every. Single. Song. Absolute love. Maybe it's cause they actually have more than 2 songs. Maybe it's cause they have a making of. Maybe it's cause they have a fricken Christmas song. I DON'T KNOW BUT I LOVE THIS.

It's a theme song. I like it. It's not AWESOME but I like it. It's got more speed than Dear Snow so I don't find it boring and it's not too crazy like Troublemaker (which I sadly have a love-hate relationship with). I haven't seen the PV yet and I don't plan too because I don't want to ruin the image of this song in my mind. It's really calming and reminds of Freeter, which I love. <3

Eeeks! I love this song. Hands down best song on the single. I wouldn't expect it from the title, but it is. It's so catchy and .. .I don't know, it reminds me of something but I can't remember what. But it's speedy, and smooth. Slick. I kind of want them to perform this because I can imagine the craziest dance being accompanied with this song. And I mean like... fast, hard, dancing. Like even crazier than Believe or Crazy Moon it would be the most awesome dance ever. Ah. This song. Absolute love. This totally beats out Hatenai Sora and the Christmas song. 

Ah. The ballad. It's alright. Not one of their best ballads. Although I like it better than Dear Snow, so I guess that says something right? (I'm sorry, I"m sorry but.. I just.. didn't get along with that single very well). It's sweet. It sounds sweet, the music in the background is really subtle but it sounds very nice. Again, like Hatenai Sora it's really calming. And kind of... heart-wrenching in a way for some reason. I'm not really listening to the lyrics so I don't know what they're actually singing about. ^^;;  Truthfully it's not a bad song, and far above "mediocre" but it's over-shadowed by three other GREAT songs that this one kind of looks bland, caught in the middle. But I am sure I will grow to love it as I listen to the single more. (and I'm currently repeating it now and falling more in love with it. LOL). 

OMG A CHRISTMAS SONG KYAA~~~ I LOVE CHRISTMAS. And it sounds so fricken jazzy and it sounds like a fricken rip off from Wish which I don't know if I like or not. xD OMG. The chorus. Oh the chorus. <3 Is it bad that when I hear this song I imagine Arashi dressed up as elves prancing up and down and singing this in the snow with Christmas lights and gigantic presents in the snow. Um.. PV NOW PLEASE? CHRISTMAS. But I dunno, for some reason it's not as loud as I thought it would be, but it totally fits the Christmas mood. Oh my god. <3<3. Aggh.. I can tell this is another song I'm gonna have a love-hate relationship with. I mean honestly there are so many better x-mas songs but come on.... it's like full-blown Christmas, how can I not love it? 

Overall: (4/5)

It's a great single. I think overall, as an ENTIRE single (and not just the main song) this is the best single they've released all year. Sure, I liked Troublemaker, Monster, Love Rainbow - but that's it. I didn't like any other song in any of those singles, all I liked were the title tracks. (and don't even bring up Dear Snow - sorry). But this is the one single where I actually like ALL the songs on it. And I mean ALL the songs. Maboroshi is a bit iffy but it has two other songs, STORY and the Christmas song (too lazy to type the title ^^;;) that are just so GREAT that one "okay" song really doesn't matter. Yes Arashi. The end of the year, I knew you guys could do it, and you guys did. I am so happy right now *sobs*

It's not joke, I really did tear up when I heard STORY because it's been so long since I've heard such a great song from them in a single I just felt like I had to cry.. :( (god I'm such a sad fangirl -_-;;)


Tuesday 19 October 2010


So it's been a while (since my not-so-happy post) but now I'm back and this time with nothing (really) negative to say :P


So yeah, I watched the first episode of Freeter, Ie wo Kau and oh... I don't know how to say this. I love Nino and his acting. I think out of Arashi, and just as a Japanese actor, he is one of the best. It's NOT just because he went to Hollywood either. But when I talk about Nino's "great" acting, I mostly reference his dramas like Yasashii Jikan and Haikei, Chichiue-sama. And from what I've seen in the first episode, I think Freeter may fit into this category as well. It feels like it could but at the same time I do feel there are some elements missing. We'll see, I have high hopes for this drama. (and no, I am not Nino-biased... *cough*maybejustabit*cough*)


I'm not going to go into much detail but I really felt for Nino's character Seiji. He's a Freeter sure, but he's trying. And his dad really isn't much help, completely opposite from his mom. Honestly I felt pretty mad when Seiji (Nino) blew upo at his mom, I wanted to reach into my computer and slap him I was so angry. Although I knew why he was like that. And his dad, my god his dad. I can't say anything, I already have issues with my own dad, I don't want to see something like that. *grumbles*. Honestly, I really like Seiji... or is it just that I'm fangirling Nino? Cause the Conbini-scene and when he's video-gaming are so awesome. <3 But my heart broke when he was in the hospital and he realized that he (may) have been the reason for his moms break down... and when he was lying in the mud crying. (T.T) But, just a small comment, the scenes where his mom was going through her little "phases" or "depression", I found those really creepy. Actually, in general I find his mom kind of creepy sometimes. When she smiles and stuff, I don't know. It's not a minus-point for the actor, I just think, appearance wise she is creepy. ^^;;


Yeah, I'm not giving a real review on this drama but I may post my small little random thoughts each week, depends on how much I end up liking it. But as I said, I have high hopes for this drama, I really hope it does well. It's almost like a weird mix of both Yasahii Jikan and Haikei, Chichiue-sama. Can't wait for next week. ^^

Sunday 26 September 2010

New Single


feel free to shoot me for being "unsupportive blah blah blah" I don't care. oh my god. just ... 
are you serious? 
and I saw the PV for Dear Snow?
They might as well just stand there with a white background and singe, it wouldn't make a difference. 
I love Arashi. I really do. They give me endless amounts of joy... but I am not blind as to like EVERYTHING they throw at me. I don't mean this as an insult to fans, nor as an insult to them. This is just so I can defend myself before anyone tells me "if you're a fan you should like it anyways blah blah blah stop complaining blah blah blah blah" cause that' just a load of bull. 

I WANT to be happy for this but... 
on the other hand though - ZOMG OOKU LOOKS SO AWESOME OMG OMG OMG OMG
and I can't wait for Freeter, ie wo kau. ^^ 

Saturday 4 September 2010

Love Rainbow + Other Thoughts

Okay, this is going to be my first post on typepad, after vox and this is also going to be a very long post. Not necessarily a happy one either. I'm still getting used to typepad actually, it's kind of laggy. :( *sigh* And re-categorizing all my old posts is kind of a pain. >.< But we'll see how things go.

First on my list. Love Rainbow PV. Do not like. At all. The only good thing I can say is that it is more visually appealing than To Be Free, in terms of colours and general aesthetics. Aside from that, this PV is just plain boring. I think I've had enough of "Arashi stand and look pretty PV's". But what can we do? They seem too busy to actually stand together and film something properly. Thankfully the Making of to this PV was BRILLIANT. I mean, sure, the entire PV was shot with a green-screen (obviously - I mean the blatant CGI was just killing me inside) but the 'making of' was adorable. My favourite scenes off the top of my head? Ohno giggling, Juntoshi moment, Ohmiya moment, Aiba, when all of them are doing the jacket-cover photoshoot. This 'making of' was hilarious. Oh damn.. so cute. >.< Honestly. But yeah, the PV is just... ew. I have a hate for obvious CGI effects intermixed with real people. This is also why I dislike 'One Love' (although One Love was just.. ew where as Love Rainbow at least looks nice..). I don't like obvious CGI effects, even if that is what the producer was going for. I just don't like it, I hate it when CGI is obviously seen next to real people. And as I said - this PV is just damn boring. I also think it doesn't fit the song very well but I think it's just cause I'm NatsuNiji biased and I really like the opening for NatsuNiji. =P

Next on my list. The recent Arashi textbook that was released in Japan. On one hand, a part of me is like "WANT WANT WANT WANT WANT" because hello, a textbook that is centered around Arashi? That is awesomeness. It's like getting a free photobook supplied by the school. And it is a smart move by the government, since kids like Arashi and putting Arashi in your textbook basically means your kids are going to read that textbook. (Or at least become vaguely interesting in whatever the textbook is talking about). But then another part of me is like *sigh*.. Japan. I mean, don't get me wrong. I think this is totally cool. Although I do not wish this happened in the America's because if any celeb in North America entered my textbook I would burn it. >_> But for Arashi I think it's awesome, especially since they did it voluntarily and the topics they address are actually.. well.. insightful and good to know about (Japanese or not). Now if only they could release a textbook that taught foreigners Japanese. Kind of like "Minna no Nihongo" complete with the listening CD and all =D (basically I love this idea but at the same time I'm kind of like "oh dear god, what is Japan coming to?")

and lastly - the recent 'Arashi Jet' that JAL released. Personally? I don't like JAL very much as an airline, but maybe that's because the last time I rode JAL it was going bankrupt. Who knows? Either way, it's still better than the Chinese airlines :D. But this jet is kind of... uh... I don't know what to think but my first reaction is I'm not too thrilled. Unlike the textbook which is actually helpful and all this JET.. is just kind of.. I don't like it. I know as a fan, I should be supportive and happy becuase "oh  my god they are so popular and everyone wants a piece of them :D:D" but that's why I am not happy. They are too popular and everyone is trying to use Arashi to get some extra crash. Heck, you just stick Arashi on a piece of paper, slap it on a table at a furniture store and I'm sure it'd be sold out in seconds. *sigh* Going back to the Love Rainbow PV - I wouldn't have been surprised if it really did just show them walking in front of a green screen (like Ohno said they might be doing xD). I just feel... I don't know. I don't mind if the boys get more exposure but this is beyond exposure. What Japan is doing now is going past exposure and just out-right USING (and yes - I do mean to sound negative). I understand, Arashi = Popular = lotsa fans = MONEY. But they are just.. being.. OVER-exposed and it's not to boost their popularity anymore. It's just for the sake of using them to get MONEY, they are so popularity and they don't even need to look for it anymore. And somehow it just feel so wrong. They're being over-used, over-exposed, over-worked, milked, stretched and ...

I don't know what I'm trying to say. I'm just ranting now to be honest. I'm just tired... I want my old, stupid, dorky Arashi back. The Arashi that was popular but wasn't being used by everyone in Japan as a means to make some extra money just because they sell. >.< I just want my regular dorky boyband back... :(

Thursday 2 September 2010

Why? T.T

aggh.. why does vox have to close? Albeit I wasn't as active on vox as I was on LJ but vox was the place to put my long fangirl schpiels and what not. *sigh*

This was honestly my fangirl blog. I may not have posted much (nor did I comment as much as I should have) but I still love this place regardless.

I will be moving to typepad though. Don't know how active I will but I guess more or less the same as vox. I don't want to lose all the posts I've made in this blog. They are all special to me... *sigh*

Monday 30 August 2010



Happy Birthday MatsuJun, Jun-kun/Jun-chan, JunJun
and all those other nicknames you have.
My most favourite member next to Nino. <3<3<3
You've turned 27 you old man. *laugh*
Keep going one more year, do all the things you want to do,
try all the things you want to try.
Have fun working with Arashi - don't tire yourself.
Continue working out that body of yours :)
Propose to Mao a couple years down the road


Normally I have some sort of present.. currently.. I am still working on Jun's present. *sigh*
This particular thing is giving me lots of trouble.
Honestly, these two....... *shakes fist at a certain couple*

the reason I'm taking so long is cause I want this to be one of the
best drawings I've done, ever, next to that recent picture of Nino I
drew for his birthday ^^

*gets working*

(x-posted from my LJ)

Thursday 26 August 2010

Himitsu-chan [2010.08.26]

**spoilers alert :P**

This was my ranking (just looking at  the mannequins)


1) #5 - 2) #2 - 3) #4 - 4) #1 - 5) #3

The actual results?

1) #4 - 2) #2 - 3) #5 - 4) #1 - 5) #3

so I got... 2/3 wrong, in fact I mixed them up.

Who do the clothes actually belong to?

1: Aiba - 2: Ohno - 3: Jun - 4: Sho - 5: Nino

I feel so bad for Jun. But it's true, when you just see the mannequin what he picked looks really plain but when I actually saw him wear it I wanted Aiba to lose. Actually though, I thought Sho's was Jun's. I was happy cause I was like "yes, there is no way Jun is going to be last" but he still was. Poor guy. I feel so bad, he looked so bumbed out when they were cutting the ribbon to reveal the bus. But honestly, when Jun actually WEARS that outfit it doesn't look so bad anymore. And in the photoshoot he looks really cute xD It was just too plain, not ugly, just plain =(

My opinion on each mannequin?

1 (Aiba's): I can totally tell it's Aiba's. I never agreed with Aiba's fashion sense too much. It's too.. out there. It's not really ugly persay I just don't agree with it. I mean, overall, the balance is all very nice it's just... if I saw my boyfriend wearing that I'd probably tell him to go and change. On Aiba though, it doesn't actually look that bad. The rainbow leggings do bug me a bit though... but honestly aside from that it's eh. Not really for "summer" but as just co-ordinated clothing it's alright.

2 (Ohno's): It's simple. I love simple. I love Ohno, Ohno wears simple. It looks good on him. A bit too colourful but overall, very nice and something that I would like to see someone wear. I also like it when people wear layers. And the shoes are nice. :) I really like the shoes he picked. I can't say much, I don't have anything wrong with Ohno's clothing. I basically love the entire thing, I just would never wear it myself xD

3 (Sho's): As I said, I thought this was Jun's at first. Glasses, hat, vest, a total Jun combination. But I was wrong and I am so sad I was wrong because this SHOULD HAVE BEEN JUN's. >.> (the Jun fan in me is severly butt-hurt). But as I said before, I don't like those styles of hats and I don't like thick-rimmed glasses. When people WEAR them I don't mind but just seeing it on a mannequin is kind of.. ."eck" to me. But it still, overall, looked really nice and well put together. Very balanced (like Aiba's :D). But when Sho wears it.. eh... eh... I kind of wanted him to be last..... -_-;; Sho doesn't actually look good in what he picked :P

4 (Jun's): There is  nothing wrong with this outfit, it's just too damn boring. Honestly it looks like a professional bowler uniform or some teenage kid who works at a gas station. It's not UGLY, but compared to the other 4, this doesn't really stand out or garner much attention. It's just too plain. D: Maybe a bit more colour.. a different design for the over-shirt... nicer looking pants? I don't know, it was just too plain. But seriously, when Jun actually wears this it doesn't look so bad.

5 (Nino's): Seriously, I like Nino's the most. I dont' know why girls freaked out when he took off the first layer and was wearing that... thing (yeah, I dont' know fashion/clothing names). It didn't look that bad did it? o_o and the shorts ARE cute. The shoes do bug me a bit though. But overall I thought it was the nicest, even when Nino wore it. The colour balance is nice (all light and airy) and layers (I have a thing for layers) were so nice. I mean it was casual, and well-balanced. Seriously I don't get why everyone thought he would be last o_o;; Sho and Nino's positioning shoulda been switched >.<!!

phooey. I feel so bad for Jun, losing twice. What he picked this time wasn't even bad... wanted to give him a hug at the very end when they were sending the bus off. His voice-cracked when he was announcing it. :P I wonder why he doesn't wear shorts though. Seriously if Jun paired off his top with a pair of khaki's his mannequin probably would've gotten a lot more votes. O_o Does the guy not like shorts or something? *sigh* If they ever do this again, I really, really hope he gets first place. >.<

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Inoue Mao - Exile 2010

Eh.. I don't know if there are any fans of Mao-chan in my neighbourhood but I was asked to translate one of her magazine articles and I did (I posted it on my LJ as well) but I guess I'll post it here to since they both relate to 'fandom' and this is supposed to be my 'fandom' blog. ^^;;

 (sorry for page stretching >.<)


Wanting to know an entertainer’s ON
and OFF’s

Mao Inoue ON/OFF

For two months is the plan to untie
the ropes of popular female actresses. For our 21st appearance is
Inoue Mao whose recent image shows the strong impression of having suddenly
become very adult-like. Going halfway into her 20’s, this actress’s career has
gone on for more than 15 years. Has the image of being an actress, when she was
continued, remaining unchanged? Also, has she changed along with her age? We’ve  asked about everything!


actor’s road is endless

I watch dramas or movies, regarding the show, I become greedy


――As a child
actor, and later, with your career packed as an actress, Inoue-san. On your
own, when did you decide
I’m going to continue on
this path!

was something I had always been doing so there’s no exact moment that could be
this time.
Also more than thinking,
I want my future to be
like this
, I wanted the moments happening
now to be fun. I was the type who thought you couldn’t waste your time. It was
a feeling that flowed naturally with no particular hesitations.

 ――Has there
been a time when work was too busy and you thought you couldn’t go to school or
I want to play more!”?

I was small, on top of my basic personality (laugh) I hated to lose so I’ve
always gone between my double-life in school and as an actress and have become
accustomed to that rhythm [of life]. Therefore, I’ve been able clear it cleanly

(A/N: I
did a very literal translation but I think she means clearing the obstacle of
work taking over her private life as a child)

 ――If you do
that, you must be good at separating your ON and OFF?

right. Although, during my school days, while commuting to school, when I was
with classmates it felt like I naturally switched into OFF [mode]. But
now, all I
have is work to concentrate on so
how I’m going to change [my ON and OFF’s] might become a problem.

 ――On your
last work
I’ll Give My First Love to You”1
you played a middle-schooler, now in
Darling’s a Foreigner2
you play
a company worker, as an adult actress your roles have grown suddenly. Don’t you
feel things such as confusion?

thought that marriage would be a long way off so, somehow, it’s a strange
feeling.  I’ve thought this myself as
well but others around me have been seriously saying
has turned that age to start thinking about marriage
But I’m already 23 so getting married isn’t such a strange idea. It’s just, I
was told by the original author [of the story], Oguri Saori-sensei3
Having such a young girl play my
role is a bit embarrassing!

 ――In the
movie, Oguri-san also appeared didn’t she. What was it like acting in front of
the real person?

was definitely doing it, so there was the nervousness of needing to make a work
[Oguri-san] would be happy with. This time though, there was no need in trying
to re-create [her] outer-appearance so I didn’t worry to that extent. I acted
while thinking about being able to let out Oguri-sensei and Tony’s smiles.

 ――Acting as Tony, is Jonathan Sherr’s
first time in a movie. Did you give him any sort of advice?

I think that as long as you have fun it’s fine, but Jonathan is the type
who seriously thinks about his own abilities so Director Ueda and the staff,
everyone, had something to say. Things like
 “You don’t have to worry so much. But if
someone said the word
appropriate[Jonathan] would get mad. He’d sayIt’s not appropriate, it’s suitable”(laugh)

(A/N: this
is a pun on the words
適当 and適切, both of them basically mean the same thing but there are slight differences that don’t really make it in
the English language)

 ――You want to see the real Tony don’t you. (laugh).

Of course (laugh). Jonathan is quite the boke4” character and so when he
makes bad jokes, everyone attacks (tsukkomi5) him (laugh). This
filming site is really warm, it really feels like we’re acting within an
atmosphere like that of a real family.

 ――Marriage is nice isn’t, haven’t you also thought so?

have thought about it (laugh). Before I didn’t
want to get married and aimed to be a
hard-working career women but lately I’ve had the desire to get married or, I
should say, this movie has influenced me in wanting to get married (laugh).
It’s like, if I could ever meet a person whose always happy, by my side,
encouraging me and so on.

 ――If you do get married, will you continue working?

…. I don’t like being half-hearted so, I think, if I continue, I’ll
continue, if I stop I’ll completely stop

 ――You will completely stop?

Ye-ah……. There are
still a lot of things I want to do though so right now it’s something I can’t
even think of. It may also depend on my partner and the age I get married.

 ――The things you want to do are?

An actor’s road is endless isn’t it? When I see dramas or movies I think
things like
I want to
act this type of character
or I want to
act with this actor
. It’s greed.

(A/N: greed is the literal translation of the word貪欲, but what
Mao means is when she see’s movies and what not, she wants to do more, such as
act with that person, or do that sort of role… not “greed” per say but
something close to wanting as much as you can have)

 ――And a person you’d like to act with is?

Morgan Freeman6 etc

 ――That’s quite high-class

(A/N: シブイis the word used to describe
refined tastes… so in this case I couldn’t think of a proper synonym and used
the first word that came to mind…)

From a long time ago, I’ve always liked experienced people (laugh). If
it’s a Japanese actor, Nishida Toshiyuki7 or Mikuni Rentarou8
etc. Therefore, earlier, when I was able to act with Nishida-san I was
extremely happy!

 ――As expected, you like being an actress don’t you.

Being able to experience different people’s lives is very fun. Also, I
like the feeling of having to complete something starting from zero. Using
everyone to make something, completing it and giving joy to lots of people. I
think, somehow, it’s a wonderful job.

 ――It looks like marriage/a retirement declaration are going
to have to wait for the time being.

That’s right. Definitely not any time soon (laugh).


1 -「僕の初恋キミに捧ぐ」or “I’ll
Give my First Love to You” is the movie Mao did with Okada Masaki that came out
Oct.2010 in theaters and was recently released on DVD

2 「ダーリンが外国人」or “My
Darling’s a Foreigner” is the movie Mao just did (based off a manga) recently
starring Jonathan Sherr, released in theaters recently

3 – Oguri
Saori (or Saori Oguri in Western culture) is the author/manga-artist of the
manga that the movie “My Darling’s a Foreigner” is based off of.

4“ボケ”or “boke”
is the term used in Japanese comedy to represent the person who always
does/says stupid things (Arashi-fans, Aiba or Sho could be considered the

“tsukkomi” is the term used in Japanese comedy to represent the person who
insults/hits the “boke” character and points out his/her mistakes (Arashi-fans,
this would be Jun or Nino)

6 – Morgan
Freeman, if anyone doesn’t know (I’d be surprised) is a very popular and
well-known American actor. One of his more known, recent works would be Dark Knight (Batman)

7 – Nishida
Toshiyuki (62) is a famous Japanese actor whose is probably more known for all
the NHK Taiga dramas he’s starred in

8 – Mikuni
Rentarou (87) is very famous, acted in many, many movies, won awards, huge
Japanese actor


I am open to requests by the way ^^ 

Sunday 22 August 2010

Music Lovers [2010.08.22]

This was awesome. An hour long mini-Arashi concert with one of the best/funniest interviews ever. 

Songs they performed are (I think this was the order)

- Moving On 

- Troublemaker

- Medley (Happiness, Believe)

- Yurase Ima, wo (guys only)

- A Day in Our Life (guys only)

- Fight Song (guys only)


- Summer Splash (end credits only D=)

and during the interviews they asked questions regarding 'Who is the most OO', really funny. They were rated by 100 girls, Kuroski Meisa and themselves <3 Haha. Poor Aiba got bullied a bit. and Nino got bullied at the very end to. They did this special portion where they performed just to a bunch of guys and it was so cool. They looked like they were having lots of fun singing to the guys and the guys looked like they were having a huge amount of fun too. It's nice to know guys like Arashi so much. Haha. 

and the performance of Refrain at the end was so beautiful and cool and nice and.. kyaa~ *fangirl squeal*. It was a really cool episode. People should see it =) I laughed really hard watching it. ^^;; 

Saturday 21 August 2010

Shiyagare 2010.08.21

And going with my last post about posting more.. THIS

If you people have not seen this episode yet you HAVE to see this. This will be one of those episodes that will go down in history as a MUST WATCH (much like MMA: Boat Club, DnA: Mole/Fish searching etc. etc.). You cannot miss this episode. I'll give you a brief summary after watching it earlier this morning (thank you uploaders). ^^ Funniest Shiyagare episode I have seen yet. TOKIOsempai with Arashi is so much love it can't even be contained in this world.

*ahem* - summary

Starting off you have the members guessing who the guest will be. Straight of the bat Sho mentions  TOKIO and the other members start guessing which member. They name-drop Yamaguchi and say definitely not him. Then someone (forgot who) insists that it must be Matsu-nii (Matsuoka the drummer) but... they're wrong. The two guests from TOKIO are... Kokubun Taichi and Joushima Shigeru (riida).

This episode may be confusing to some but Joushima is also referred to as "Riida" because he is the "riida" of TOKIO. Anyways. The earlier talk portion is about how no one knows anything about Joushima so the whole "rumor" segment is basically just information on him. What he does on his spare time, how he disguises himself, the weird stuff inside his wallet. Basically - what you learn from this... Joushima Shigeru is more of a mystery than Tsuyoshi from Kinki Kids.

Then the three points - what is TOKIO going to teach Arashi? The True Heart of a Johnny's.

1 - Johnny's Rules
Basically they start of talking about different rules such as until when do they stop calling a sempai KUN (it mostly seems to start from Higashiyama/Shounentai) and then it continue on to... putting names on your underwear? YES - they start talking about whether the members put their names on their underwear, in which they all say no. Then the TOKIO members talk about their dorm lives (because back then, JE used to be like Korea and the boys used to live in dorms until just before Arashi joined), and then Taiichi finally shows Arashi his "souveigner" that he brought them. What is it? New pairs of white, fresh briefs with each of their names written on the band. Even better - they put them on right there on stage for everyone to see xD

2 - Cooking
Jun and Taichi have a cooking contest to see who can cook the best chahan. You reall get to see Taichi showing his real cooking skills while Jun is just kind of bumbling along :P But both of their dishes look really good. :) The Arashi members can't stop talking about Pork-Kimchee Chahan. Haha. I don't like kimchee but they really made it sound/look good. Who won the competition? Gotta watch to find out.

3 - Johnny's Games
This is by far the best part of the show. The Arashi-members play INTRO-DON, a fun game where you hear the intro of the song and have to guess what song it is. You get to see a test of how good the Arashi-members memories are, and guess what? They prove to be pretty fricken good (as they all seem to remember the choreo to every single song pretty damn well). Of course some TOKIO-sempai teasing ensues (where the all do NOT know the hit song Sorafune xD) and some Aiba-bullying as well. So much love <3

seriously - WATCH this episode. You really don't need to understand whats going on, just watching is enough.

SUCH a hilarious episode. I'm terrible at summarizing and what not but seriously - great episode, NEED TO WATCH.

*re-watches for the nth time xD*


So, aside from my review of Boku to Miteiru Fuukei... I haven't really done much on my vox since I left for Japan have I?... err.. ok - checking back I actually did post a lot more than I thought I did, but ANYWAYS.

and I feel bad. I was going through some old posts (mostly my majority of un-finished drama reviews ^^;;) and I felt like I should really start posting here again. All my fangirling stuff, my album/single/drama reviews and what not. I would love to review NatsuNiji but I think I'll do that when the drama ends because I have a love/hate relationship with that drama.

To sum it up - I was in Japan for a year on an exchange program and came back.. recently. About two weeks ago and have thus been.. kind of out of things. But my time in Japan was great. I didn't experience any Arashi concerts but being able to watch their TV shows on TV, live, every week is good enough. Being able to see them on M-Sta, Utaban and Heyx3 live without needing to wait for uploaders is awesome. I made lots of friends, ate lots of food and had lots of fun. It's an experience I will never forget (it was one year of my fricken life for god sakes) and I wish I didn't need to come home.

but I came back. And i promise I will be more active on my vox from now (or as active as I was before I left.. which was pretty active in my opinion.). I still update my LJ as much as possible, not garunteed daily anymore but as often as possible. And so all my fangirly things will likely appear on my vox. Which means I need to get my scanner going cause I need to scan in some fanart and show you the depressingly small amount of drawing I did in Japan (because I had no time whatsoever).

and I really need to fix my banner xD Nino isn't 26 years old anymore is he?

Anyways, as I said.. try to keep my fangirling here. I got rid of my Arashi-schedule and probably won't put it back up but I'm sure everyone in my neighbourhood will start seeing more of my posts.. every.. couple of weeks, at least once a month :)

Sunday 1 August 2010

Boku to Miteiru Fuukei - review

 my little album review. Taken from LJ and EDITED

[edited as of 2010/08/20]


1 - Moving On (3.5)
[I've grown to like it. I think as an opening song it's really good. The chorus, as I said is catchy as hell and that's what grips me to this song. I doesnt' make a spot on my playlist but when I listen to the album as a whole I always feel very energized and eager to hear this song again.]

2 - Muda Ue Wo (2)
[Eh.. my opinion hasn't changed. I don't like this song. That doesnt' mean I dislike it but.. it's just not my style. If I hear it I don't mind and i certainly never skip this song but it's not something I would listen to alone. I applaud them for trying something so dark though]

3 - refrain (3.8)
[I've grown to like this. I wont' give it the rave reviews everyone else seems to be giving this song but it's good. Surprisingly, it has managed to worm its way onto my playlist so congratz. I don't really care about lyrics - so skip that - but the melody, the tune, at first it seems boring but after listening to it over and over I find it is a very catchy song. It's not as fast as other songs I prefer but somehow it still pulls me along. Also I find the sound of the song very relaxing.. someone said it reminded her of rain. I agree, when I hear this song i think of a dark, rainy night and empty streets with a single street light shining.... I can imagine a PV for this song xD]

4 - Troublemaker (3.5) - IN THE ALBUM
[I have a love-hate relationship with Troublemaker... especially in this album. This song is catchy as hell but one-to-many listens and i get tired of it. In the album.. somehow it doesn't seem to fit to well either in my opinion. It's just a bit too upbeat sounding to match with songs like Refrain etc. etc. Nevertheless as a single it's a good song but not a preferred one. ^^;; Catchy as all  hell but like I said - one-to-many listens (and karaoke runs) makes me tired of hearing this]

T.A.B.O.O (4.5)
At first I thought this song was alright. Then I grew to like it and now I positively love this song. I think, after Yume de mo Ii Kara it's my most favourite Sho solo. It's hot, sexy, sizzling (the lyrics are just downright dirty)... and it's catchy as all hell. The chorus.. the lines, the way it's sung. Everything about it just makes me want to sing along with it. The rap is a bit lack-luster, sounds... very bland. ^^;; I like rap with a bit more of a tune, like in Kitto Daijoubu or Sakura Sake. But overall - hot and sexy and cannot wait for a con performance (in which I imagine a half-naked Sho looking like how he did in his CUT shoot from 2008)

6 - Circus (4.8)
[I said this was my most favourite song and then I heard Gift and for some reason this song was forgotten in my review. And then I heard it again. Gift might be my most favourite ballad but for up-beat - Circus is brilliant. My two most favourite songs tied back-to-back. It's dark, but not as dark as Mada Ue Wo and it's catchy and gives you this mysterious, magical feel. Like you're on a drug high going through some twisted, colourful, carnival-esque hallway, spinning around and.. being high xD. It's mysterious. I imagine darkness along with the colours.. like a sub-dued image. Damn, I'm going way out with the imagery, but this is a GREAT song. Catchy, mysterious, dark, just the right amount of everything to make a perfect song <3 ]

7 - Gift (5)
[My last review was a bit uncomprehensible due to the massive fangirl attack I had after hearing MatsuJun's voice singing the first time and sounding beautiful while doing it. A lot of people don't seem to like Gift or they just fly by it but THIS is my most favourite song of the single. It's beautiful. Not too slow to be boring and just... wonderful to listen to. It's calming, soothing. I picture them standing somewhere high (maybe in the sky?), singing their hearts out like how they sang 5x10, surrounded in whites and the faintest hint of soft blue... *sighs wistfully* - a beautiful song]

8 - Everything (4)
[I've always liked Everything and I think it actually suits the album well. Better than Troublemaker does - or maybe it's the placement that this song is in? Who knows, but even as a single I like this song. It's refreshing. The PV of this song is pretty much how I picture the song except.. maybe a bit more grass and meadows and sunshine. But it's a beautiful song, catchy, up-beating, up-lifting yet with a slight hint of maturity.. (ie - doesn't sound like Kitto Daijoubu crack xD), I want to say it's my most favourite single in this album but I feel like I'm betraying Monster]

Come back to me (4 - and you read that right)
Let me set this straight - synthesized songs? Not my style. Not my style at all. That's why I hate K-POP but.. FU#$ this song is so catchy, oh my god. From the minute you hear the beginning line "1, 2, 3 I will set you free" i'm completely hooked and I don't know why. I just can't help singing along and bobbing my head to it. The only thing that I don't like is the part when he does the "crowd-shout" thing and when he raps. ^^;; At first I would skip those parts, now I just kind of... tune out of them, sometimes I laugh. yeah - one thing.. this song makes me laugh, HARD. Sometimes I just burst out giggling when I sing along. But not my favourite solo - despite my rave reviews and the fact that I gave it 4/5 - the parts that I dislike are a really big negative in terms of "favourites". The 4 really doesnt' mean much because I have a bias for solo songs xD Especially for MatsuJun solo songs *cough* yeah - i have no ears - shoot me now. 

10 - My Girl (3)
[When i first heard the song in My Girl and saw the PV, I liked it. It was a sweet song, catchy enough and what not but aside from being a theme song it's pretty lack-luster. Generally I like theme songs so it's always no my playlist but I dont' really react when I hear it. It's just a song... I don't love it, I mean.. I like it... enough and I don't dislike it surely. I really don't have much to say.. ]

Magical Song

So, as I said before, favourite solo. Which is ironic because I dont' listen to it half as much as I listen to Ohno's or Nino's solo. In fact I listen to this song the least. But when I hear it I love it and it will be my favourite. It's so different from Hello Goodbye or Friendship and yet it still sounds.. the same. It's up-beat, cute.. magical. Like honestly, i imagine disney when I heard this. Aiba singing in front of Disney castle with Mickey Mouse and Tinkerbell flying around him, I'm not joking. I just find this song adorable.. and I don't know. It captures me.. it's just so.. Aiba. <3

12 - Let Me Down
[uh... I don't.. really like the song. It's not memorable - cannot remember what it sounds like after listening to it, nothing stands out and I just don't like how it sounds. ]

13 - Monster (5)
[<3 <3 <3 - i dont' think any words are necessary]

14 - Don't Stop (0.5)
[Like Let Me Down yea.. not memorable, don't like it. But this one actually gets a score because it sounds marginably better. It's actually catchy when I hear it but one the next song comes along - completely forget about it. ]

Shizuka na Yoru Ni
Yes - Ohno did not get a 5. You read that correctly. It's a beautiful song.. but.. it's one of those songs that are just a tad to slow. When I listen to it I love it and I often repeat it over and over but oddly I can't seem to give it a perfect score. Possibly because out of all of Ohno's solos.. I find Take me Faraway and TOP SECRET so much better. Shizuka na Yoru ni is undoubtedly a beautiful ballad and a wonderful display of Ohno's vocals, no doubt. As a song it's a 5 but as to how much I like it compared to his other solos.... now that's not a perfect score. It's not a bad song but like I said, a little too slow. It reminds me of rain as well.. but it's not as dark as refrain. Reminds me of soft, drizzly rain... i can imagine Ohno singing this on the street surrounded in light grayish hues, singing.... *another wistful sigh* 

16 - Mukae ni Iku yo (5)

[Just as in my last review, I loved this song and I still do. It's a awesome song. It's slow, yet fast and soothing but with just enough pep to it to be called POP and it's up-lifting but not like Happiness... this song is just so good. It's not as dark as circus either. it's just.. so.. mature sounding and calming. I don't imagine rain with this, but I imagine many dark-blue-ish hues in my mind. I just love the way they are singing. The constant, soft, ups and downs and when they go into that... what is it called... a falsetto? I don't know musical terms but when they all go and hit that high-note in the chorus.. *shivers*. Sounds so good... yeah, dark-blue-ish hues.. solemn setting.. walking into a starry sky with a sun beginning to rise... breathtaking. and the "ooh" part at the end........ *yet another sigh*]

1999*4##111 (5)
This.. song was a surprise. The sound I mean. When I first read the title I imagined something along the lines of Gimmick Game, but when I learned what the title meant I thought it would be a ballad. But no, I was surprised, this sounds glaringly close to Himitsu and I love it. I LOVE Nino's voice in this, how he goes up and down and hits those notes and sounds so good... and the lyrics are so cute. The chorus is catchy as all hell - i can imagine flaily Himitsu-ish Nino dancing happening here. It's such a cute song, cute and touching. And the fact that Nino wrote and produced this himself adds bonus points. Not as good as Niji and Konseki but those are slow songs, as a fast, more up-beat solo this is one of my favourites of Nino's.

18 - Sora Takaku (3)
[Now let me be honest. I liked Sora Takaku when I heard it at the end of Saigo no Yakusoku but eventually... yeah, the like faded. I never got the hype with this song. I mean it's a good song, definitely, but I don't follow a majority of othe fan's love for this song - it's not THAT good is it? But as to the actual song.. it's nice, it's like Mada Ue Wo. Except it's more my style - just sounds.. kind of... boring. ^^;; I dunno. I don't find the song nearly as catchy nor as memorable as their actual singles (although I'd rather this than To Be Free >.>). When you hear the lines after the chorus.. I always think disco's 70's music. It's not like I imagine NEWS Koi no ABO style but.. somehow I just think "DISCO". The rap is.. nice... i guess, I never actually make it that far into the song before I skip onto... ]

19 - Kagero (5)
[I know the majority of the songs on this album aren't SLOW but none of them are necessarily FAST songs either - except for Kagero which is my style of FAST and I LOVE THIS SONG. It doesn't beat ouf Gift and sits on the same pedastal as Carnival maybe a bit higher because like I said - my style of speed to a song. It's the right speed, memorable, the background tune is amazing. What can I say - it sounds like an anime theme song and I love anime theme songs. <3. This is what I would want as an anime theme song from Arashi. Fast, Action, Adventure, that's what the song sounds like. I can imagine barren sand dunes and the hint of Arashi travelling through their own anime adventure to find some all-powerful-armageddon saving stone.. *sigh* Now if only my wish for an Arashi-Anime would come true *laugh*]

20 - Summer Splash! (2)
[Uh... I don't know what to say. THIS song really reminds me of DISCO 70's when I hear the opening instrumental.. and then they start singing and that imagine is replaced by a pool and Arashi shirtless and I'm gone. xD It's true, this song is the stereotype of Arashi/Summer and it sounds nice but so generic and thus... not that memorable either. I mean, the chorus is catchy when I hear it but after ... I never really feel a need to listen to this song again? It's better than Let Me Down and Don't Stop but.. it's just... not that great? Lots of people seem to like it, I guess cause it's so generically Arashi but it's a subdued generic. If I want fast-pace summer I would go for something along with Happiness. ^^ Also the style they're singing really doesn't... yeah, I don't really like it that much in this song.]

so... the bottom line to sum this thing up?
I'm.... what can I say? At first I was kind of disappointed with this album. I mean, as you can see the scores for the songs aren't over the top and some of them did get depressingly low scores (below the 50% mark) but... after listening to it for so long I have to say that overall as an ALBUM I really enjoy it. Listening to it from beginning to end, all 20 songs, all together in one package, it's a great album. Not as good as TIME but.. it's getting there.

Honestly, this is probably my 2nd most favourite album.. although I liked ONE quite a bit as well. Maybe they're tied? I mean, it's true, the amount of songs I actually liked are.. quite few (and highlighted in pink minus singles - but you can tell which single I liked xD) but.. overall, like I said, the whole package? It's good. I love how they mixed up the solos as well, feels like a concert then. ^^ And I have to say, love all the solos, all of them 100% love them, there is no solo that I dislike and all of them made it at least in the top 3 of my solo list.

so as a whole packaged album - despite some of the songs getting terrible low scores - as a WHOLE PACKAGE.. I'd have to honestly say? 5/5. ^^ I like the single that much. The colour scheme as well, the blues and greens? Reminds me of the Vancouver Olympics and being a vancouverite I'm biased. Haha.

it's a good album, I would recommend this actually, to people. This album and TIME would be good albums to recommend to non-arashi fans. <3

Sunday 14 February 2010

Yo Vancouverites!!

The whole airport thing...

I've only been able to read reports considering I'm in Japan right now but.. nothing has been sounding too great.


I was so excited and was hoping an awesome impression would be made. I know it must be really exciting to see Sho, especially in Vancouver but you gotta understand. Flight to Vancouver from Japan would make anyone incredibly tired, especially someone who already works hard enough as it is let alone a normal person. I don't think the first thing he wants is a mob of crazy girls greeting him at the airport. ^^;;

just my one piece. I was just hoping for a better impression than the one I seem to be getting from reading all the reports.

aside from that.

Happy Chinese New Years - Happy Valentine's Day and I will be going back to Vancouver for a short two weeks in March!! YAY!

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Arashi on M-Sta

This isn't so much as a "news" post so much as a flail post xD

Arashi's going on M-Sta for the 1000th episode special, but that's not the good part. The good part is they're performing Troublemaker AND Yursae, ima wo =D=D Yay!

but I don't know if I'll be able to watch it. M-Sta is on Fridays at 8pm and I have to study until 9:40pm... ugh. so trouble some

Monday 25 January 2010

Happy Birthday + Update

Happy Birthday Sho!! (I know this is a day late - I'm so sorry. I'm in Japan right now too ^^;;) Oops.

and a quick update.

drawings and a few photos.

also - watching Bloody Monday - pretty damn cool. ^^


and a little something that I actually did yesterday on Sho's birthday... with some friends. Actually that's on my LJ so please check it out.

LJ Here